Don’t Skip Leg Day!
Picture this, you are an elite athlete who is heading towards the biggest competition of your lifetime. You are hyper focused on your diet, your sleep and your training regime. Your training is particularly important during this time as you want to make sure everything comes like second nature to you on game day. Every movement has been practiced countless times, your body just knows what to do, your mind and your muscles are prepared and there is nothing more you can do within your power to ensure your success.
This is how you should be when it comes to being an elite auction agent. The process is very similar to a competition, a big race or a tournament. There are the same hurdles, challenges and obstacles to overcome and each of these is handled through diligent training, preparation and dedication to the craft. The better trained the agent and more natural the process becomes for that agent, the better the results on auction day. A well-trained auction agent is never caught off guard.
If you are running auctions but are not regularly undertaking training and development in this area, then you are like an elite athlete that is skipping leg day. You might have the strongest core, chest and arms, but you are only as strong as your weakest part, so if you are skipping leg day, it is your legs that will let you down. The same goes for auctions, you might be polished and prepared when it comes to vendor management but haven’t been creating buyers. You might know how to negotiate on auction day but not be ready to flex if your leading buyer doesn’t show up. With auctions it is imperative you take a holistic approach and continually refresh your mind around the entire auction process if you are to genuinely deliver the best results in every scenario. The more training you undergo the better equipped you are for unexpected circumstances that can literally pop up at any moment and the better your overall game, not just areas of it.
Holmes Auctions are a team of high performing auctioneers that are just as committed to supporting the growth and development of their auction agents than they are to getting sold under the hammer on auction day. With a solid training program, Holmes can deliver sessions in a group setting or even one-on-one coaching that will mean the difference between a mediocre performance and a championship winning auction result.
If you want to be better prepared for your next auction, want to take your performance up a notch or even just make sure you are drilled and ready for your next ‘game day’ then reach out to the team and we can help you train your entire process, so you never skip the ‘leg day’ of the auction process.