Will Auctions Make You Look Better?

It is no secret that there are less listings on the market now than in the previous 12 months. The decline in stock is potentially due to the changing market and the cooling of the pandemic pricing that spread across the nation as buyer demand exploded, particularly in our regional and coastal markets. Now comes the time that agents need to revert to hard work, prospecting and showcasing their abilities to secure listings and maintain that momentum.

In this type of market, an agent that can confidently pitch and run an auction campaign is undoubtedly more versatile than a private treaty agent. While we understand there are objections that will arise with sellers when pitching auction, but an agent that grasps the benefits of the auction process will create a much more visible profile in a cooling market by securing more auction stock. Agents that are running auctions attract not only active buyers in the market, but also potential sellers and even the neighbours who come along on auction day, there is simply no better way to showcase great marketing, communication and negotiation skills than in the auction arena.

With less opportunity to get face to face with sellers, a chance to perform at auction is an excellent listing tool. Demonstrating a strong campaign, with numbers through the open homes and registered bidders on auction day is a way an agent can leave success clues. A sale under the hammer, for a premium price simply adds more evidence to the prowess already displayed.

Teaming up with a quality auctioneer that will work alongside you during the campaign, support your process with your sellers and showcase you on auction day will be imperative to maximising the opportunity of listing off the back of your auction campaigns. Working with an auctioneer that can help you secure wider interest from property owners in your footprint will be beneficial not only to your current seller, but your future pipeline also.

If you want to work with a team of auctioneers that will make sure you shine on auction day, then reach out to us today! We are keen to work with you on your business and in your business to improve your overall success, using auction as your vehicle.    

Holmes Auctions are a team of high performing auctioneers that are just as committed to supporting the growth and development of their auction agents than they are to getting sold under the hammer on auction day. With a solid training program, Holmes can deliver sessions in a group setting or even one-on-one coaching that will mean the difference between a mediocre performance and a championship winning auction result.


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