Charity Auctioneer ⭆ Brisbane & Gold Coast
An Avid Supporter
David Holmes is an avid supporter of charity work and considers it extremely important to give back to the local and broader community. David is the current REIQ auctioneer of the year, a great ambassador and an impressive charity event auctioneer.
Giving Back
With a focus on giving back, David donates his time to charity auctions throughout the year and is an active participant in charity events such as the Gentleman’s Ride. David has for several years, donated his time as auctioneer for the Next Property Group’s Bloomhill Cancer Care annual charity event. His services for charity events are completely free of charge and ensure that these events run smoothly with the professionalism and polish of an auctioneering expert.

Recent Charity Events
Recent charity events supported by David Holmes:
Lord Mayor's Multicultural Business Awards
Edmund Rice Foundation
Muscular Dystrophy Association Qld
Bloomhill Cancer Care
Beautiful You Cancer Charity
Red Frogs Australia
Anglican Church Auction
The 500 Project Hillsong
Gentleman’s Ride
Precious Wings
Variety of Chefs
Australasian Gynaecological Endoscopy & Surgery Society Limited - AGES
The Lions Group
Spinal Home Help
Charity Auction Request